#GHPitch Announcement
GH Plays Santa This Year!!!
Okay! So we’ve been promising big news, and I know we’re ridiculously late getting to it, but we were still getting things prepared! Are you ready? ARE YOU READY? Because here it comes …
Glass House has a few very special announcements to make. First and foremost, we’re ridiculously excited to announce Eleven&Company, Glass House’s newest sibling, an editing, consulting, and eventually even more boutique headed by the publishers and editors at Glass House Press. Eleven is going to be specializing in all levels of editing, book shepherding, and consulting for authors who want to work with professional publishers–on their own terms. This is something we’ve been playing with for the last six months or so, and we’re SO EXCITED to finally bring it out.
And since we’re so excited, we decided we’d do a little something more, which brings me to the second part of our announcement: WE’RE RUNNING A CONTEST!!!! As a way of getting Eleven (@elevenandcompany) off to the perfect start, and encouraging everyone who’s been doing #NaNoWriMo, Glass House and its good friends White Rabbit Book Design (@whiterabbitbookdesign) and Inkstain Interior Book Designing (@InkstainInteriorBookDesigning) are proud to announce #GHPitch, a pitch party/contest/all-around awesome party this holiday season.
The dates: December 1 to January 31
The rules: We want to see your #NaNoWriMo projects!!!! Give us your best 250-word elevator pitch via Twitter (@glasshousepress) using #GHPitch, and email the elevator pitch and the synopsis of your manuscript, plus the first five pages. We’ll be doing two rounds of judging, with our Top 20 going into the second round and a Top 5, with one winner, in February and March!
The prizes: ALL CONTESTANTS will receive a critique and advice on their elevator pitch, with notes from GH publisher Carrie White-Parrish about how to get more attention. Our Top 5 will receive memes and Eleven critiques of their manuscripts. Second place will receive Eleven’s help on a query letter, plus a coupon for formatting from Inkstain. The winner will receive an author logo from White Rabbit, a title page from Inkstain, and a full edit from Eleven.
We’re playing Santa this holiday season, and we’re so excited that it’s hard to even type this announcement! Official contest rules and contact links will go up on the GH site today, and we’ll be collecting submissions starting Thursday! #NaNoWriMo-ers (and anyone else who wants to enter, really), get those elevator pitches ready, because Christmas is coming early this year!
Love, Carrie White-Parrish and the GH Fam (plus Eleven!)
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